Summer cello rehearsals are in full swing. Besides learning the music we have been working on coming up with professional names for each group, costuming ideas and choreography. Some of the names so far are "The Reduced Quartet- because there is only one cello." This name is one that came up for the group that has 4 players and 1 cello. The group playing the rock and roll final countdown have come up with "The Red Hot Cello Peppers" and thought they could all wear red tuxedos. They also thought "Impact 5" might be a great name. There are 5 in that group. The other groups are still working on ideas. The Mission Impossible group plays show tunes like Missoin Impossible, Pink Panther etc. They are thinking that each person who stars or has the solo part will wear a hat that match their song and perhaps sunglasses. I want that group to add in some Victor Borge humor if it fits.

The Reduced quartet is a group of 4 girls. They are thinking white flowing dresses with updos. I am hoping by the end of July we have all final names and costume ideas complete.
The choreography has been interesting. I never knew that turning a bunch of cellists loose with creative freedom could actually make me nervous at times. LOL. Let us just say that there is such a diverse group of kids and adults and ideas from flying with cellos from the ceiling of the stage to hearing screams and wearing duct tape suits to black lights, masks etc. My hardest thing has been how to tone it down a bit without stopping the creative process. My philosophy is that there are no wrong ideas during brainstorming time. Everything is allowed on the table and no one can put the idea down. All ideas are welcome. Then the group can vote. At this point the largest group is farthest along. There choreography is exciting. The other groups are learning music and just beginning the choreography process. I am glad we had summer to get these groups ready to go before school starts. It has been a blast.
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