This website that you are on now, is the website that tells the story of this concert as it unfolds. There are lots of pictures and some videos to help tell the stories.
The second website is my communications site with cellists, their parents and teachers. It has the current calendar for cellists of upcoming rehearsals. It has a section with question and answers to the top questions I have been asked. It keeps cellist up to date on what's next!
The easiest way through the sites is to click on "older posts" at the bottom of each page. The most current information is near the end. Thanks for showing interest. Hope you enjoy it!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Friday, April 30, 2010
My Story: A dreamer in progress

I grew up in the small town of Winslow, Arizona. It is just off Route 66 and the hit band "The Eagles" made my town famous with their song "Take it Easy". The words to the song say, "Standing on a corner in Winslow, Arizona. To this day, you can come to this corner in town and get your picture taken.

In Winslow, you could start playing a musical instrument in 5th grade. When I was in the fourth grade, a group of high school students brought their instruments to show all the 4th graders. We watched them take their instruments out of their cases and tighten their bows. As soon as I saw a cello, I was smitten. No other instrument existed for me after I saw it. I knew I had to play the cello. I went home and asked my parents. I started the cello the next year.

When I was in Junior High, there were 8 cello players. The first six were boys and then me and Debbie were in the back.
I remember being teased ruthlessly by the boys that girls were not suppose to play the cello. After weeks and weeks of this teasing, I determined in my head that I was going to pass up all those boys and show them. I was determined and so I did what any determined cello player would do, I practiced. ALOT! I am probably a rare person in that my parents never told me to practice once in all the years I played the cello. I just did it. I loved to practice. I loved the cello.
If you wanted to move up a chair in our orchestra, you could "challenge" the person in front of you. The teacher would select a section of music and both of you would play it in front of the class. Then the teacher would choose who they thought did the best. I would then challenge in class each boy in turn and by the end of 8th grade, I had passed every boy but one.
When I went to high school the next year, I was able to audition for a regional orchestra. All high school students can audition in their region and the top players are chosen to play in an amazing regional orchestra. Because of all the practicing I did in Jr. High to beat those boys, I actually made 4th chair in the regional orchestra that year. I still had one boy to beat though, and he was so good. It took me all year, but the last month of school, my 9th grade year, I challenged him and beat him. I hate to say it, but I'm gonna anyway. The picture of me playing my cello as first chair and him second chair made the year book. That was so cool. I later bought his cello. I still have that cello.

Well, here is where my dream tonight comes into play. All the cellists who made their regional orchestras were able to audition for the all state orchestra. I was able to audition and because I had practiced so much to try and beat James, I actually made 2nd chair in the all state orchestra. I was so excited.
When we arrived at Arizona State University where we would perform, we found out that the first and second chair cellists would be rehearsing the entire cello section. It was so amazing to be a part of such an amazing and talented group of cellists. The first chair cellist, he rehearsed the group and I was sent to listen and make recommendations.
It was during that rehearsal that I sat and listened and had major goosebumps. It was amazing to hear so many cellos playing together. It was so beautiful. I had never heard that before. It was in that moment, that I remember saying in my head, "wouldn't it be so awesome to have a concert where the entire stage was filled with just cellos. I'm gonna do that some day." I was 15 years old when I had that experience that inspired me.

Well, this year is my 30th year High School class reunion so I have been blessed to be reconnecting with friends from back home. During a conversation with an old friend, that dream to do an all cello concert was brought again to my attention. I thought about it for several weeks after our conversation and I couldn't stop thinking about it. I was drawn to it. It wouldn't go away. I realized I had to do this. For some reason it was just important for me to do this.
Someone recently asked me, why now? My response, why not? A cello dream may be insignificant as far as the things that really count in the world, but at one moment in time, a young girl had a dream, a dream that inspired her.
The opportunities that the cello provided me as a young girl are priceless. I learned self discipline. I had opportunities that I never would have had if I hadn't played it. I met amazing people and traveled to some amazing places.
Now I want to invite cello players around the age that I was and older, to participate with me in a celebration of the cello. I hope it will inspire them with their own dreams and also help others enjoy the diversity of this beautiful instrument. Our inspired dreams are worthy of our attention.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Once I decided that I definitely had to do this, I found myself in a situation where details were coming to my mind so fast that I had to write them down. I worked on most of the outline for this concert between the hours of 10:00 pm and 2:00 am. My little one asleep- Quiet time!
I first sat down and tried to decide what I wanted the concert to be like. I googled cello music and found myself on You Tube listening to various cello masters and not so masters. I book marked the music that had great appeal to me and skipped the others. After doing this for weeks, I started noticing a pattern of music I liked. I really liked! After more research, I realized several other things.
I realized that I didn't just want an all cello orchestra to perform the entire night. I realized that there is no way I could have that many cellos meet often enough to learn that much music for one thing, and I felt like I wanted to showcase more of the diversity of the cello, kind of a celebration of it. I saw online people who had a passion for their cello and made it their own and went professional. I also knew I didn't want this to be an ordinary concert. I decided then to the make concert 2 parts. The first an all cello orchestra. The second, a variety of ensembles. I knew this was right the minute I thought it.
Now to find music for the all cello orchestra. I researched on line and found some great music. Some I ordered from the National Cello Institute since they have music for cello ensembles which can be played by an all cello orchestra. I found 3 others and decided that these 4 would be the pieces of music we would play. I was attracted to them first by their appeal to me in listening to. I was also drawn to one because the entire song was almost pizzicato which intrigued me and really show cased the cello with a different angle. The last song we will play has cello tapping for the percussion and a fun rhythm. I am not going to share the titles yet, because I don't want them played by others yet if possible. I ordered the music and have it all in folders ready to go. Wahoo

The ensembles have been more challenging. The cellists gone professional that I loved to listen to so much, I learned also keep their original work to themselves. A lot of the songs that I want performed I will have to write from watching them play it and then make it my own. I did find on line the basic music and now have spent hours writing up music the way I want it. Since I am not very good at this and it is becoming more time consuming than I have the patience and time to do, I am going to have to hire someone to do it for me. It will be worth it. I WANT THAT MUSIC so bad! All the playing of my cello in trying to write this music, made we want to play again so bad. I decided on a few pieces that I will perform also. I have been practicing and it has been a lot of work because unlike the cellist that will be performing with me, I haven't played in years. I have been busy working full time and being a mom. I must say though, that the feelings I have when I play are so strong once again. I miss playing the cello so much. It calms my spirit, bring joy to my heart. I'm going to start playing again!!!!
Many nights I would wake up at 4:00 in the morning and couldn't go back to sleep so I would TRY and focus on how to present the music. I had floods of ideas come with each piece of music. I knew exactly what I want to have happen. I know their will be glitches when we add the stage, sound technicians and light technicians, but I think we will still be able to stay true to the vision I have. Bring me some cellos and let's do this!!! I am soooooo excited!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
WHERE to have the concert?
When I first decided I was going to do this, I really wanted to do it in Cedar City, Utah at the college. Southern Utah State College (now SUU) was my Alma Mater and the school that gave me a lot of really amazing opportunities with my cello. This is the music building there that I spent many many hours in.

I emailed the Music Department Head and his response back was so gracious. He said, "We would love to have an all cello concert here from an alumni student." He then forwarded me to the person over the orchestra and told us that they would be happy to help with anything I needed to help make it happen there.
I realized through several further emails that I might not be able to get enough cellos down there. I also realized that as I had been working more on the bigger picture that I would be making many trips down and with a four year old who isn't a good traveler and I decided it might be better to do it closer to home first, and maybe take it down there at a later time. The final decision came after talking with a friend who asked me if it was more important the location or the amount of cellos. I decided that the dream- which included the amount of cellos was more important than location.

I started looking for a location here locally. When I found out that the new Orem High School by my house would be completed by the fall of 2010, I REALLY wanted to have it there in the new auditorium. I didn't know if I could have it there, but I had to try! I decided that if that was my first choice that I better find out who to contact. I at first thought I would contact the principal, but could never seem to get it done. So frustrating to have that on the top of the "To Do List" over and over and over and never move forward on it when all it required was one phone call. I just felt pulled back from going that direction. In my quiet moments I would pray that this would open up if it was meant to be.

CREATING THE DREAM- What to name the concert?

I had been for months creating the vision of what I wanted the concert to be like, now I just needed to come up with a name. I sat down and wrote down several names. It was kind of a struggle so and I ended up googling cello concert names and made a good list. Here is the original list:
A Celebration of Cellos or Celebrating Cellos
A Night with Cellos
Everything Cello
Journey with Cellos
Not your Ordinary Cello Concert
Cello Sensation
My Cello Rocks
The Cello Scene
Cello Man
Cello Encore
Out of all of those on that original list I liked "A Celebration of Cellos" the best. I wanted to see which one of those names appealed to the most people, so I posted them on my facebook wall and asked my friends which one they liked. There was not one that stood out. People like a variety of names. So I decided to go another route and see if someone in my group of facebook friends could come up with an original name. I knew it would be harder so I offered an incentive. Some really great names came in. Here are some of them.
Emily- Cello Rocks-Everything is turning up cello
Janet-Everything Cello
Sarah- A Celebration of Cellos
David- Everything Cello
Cindy- Everything Cello
LaRena-Chillin with the cellos
Kerri- Chillin with Cellos or A Celebration of Cellos
Leslie- If Cellos could Dance or A Celebration of Cellos
Alicia- Everything Cello
Robert- If Cellos Could Dance or A Cello Runs through it
Leah- A Cello Dream
There were more names from friends but my 4 year old deleted them somehow while playing games on my computer and to them I apologize for not posting there preferences and new names. Everyone's contribution was meaningful for me. Thank you.
I thought that all the names that came in were wonderful. But it was interesting that when Leah's name came in, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I realized that I wanted to name the concert about the Cello and how wonderful of an instrument it is. I also wanted people to know that this was not going to be just an ordinary classical cello concert. But now, with what Leah wrote, I realized that somehow, I needed it to be about my dream also. I put those three things in every possible order to come up with something and ended up with:
"A CELEBRATION OF CELLOS- MY CELLO DREAM." ( A slight edit from Leah's but the meaning still the same) I figured somewhere in the advertising I could put "Not your ordinary cello concert". I posted on facebook the winner and delivered the prize. I was grateful to my friend Leah because it was her suggestion that actually turned the corner for me on the name. The name for me, was a perfect fit for what I am trying to do with all this. Thank you Friends.
A Celebration of Cellos or Celebrating Cellos
A Night with Cellos
Everything Cello
Journey with Cellos
Not your Ordinary Cello Concert
Cello Sensation
My Cello Rocks
The Cello Scene
Cello Man
Cello Encore
Out of all of those on that original list I liked "A Celebration of Cellos" the best. I wanted to see which one of those names appealed to the most people, so I posted them on my facebook wall and asked my friends which one they liked. There was not one that stood out. People like a variety of names. So I decided to go another route and see if someone in my group of facebook friends could come up with an original name. I knew it would be harder so I offered an incentive. Some really great names came in. Here are some of them.
Emily- Cello Rocks-Everything is turning up cello
Janet-Everything Cello
Sarah- A Celebration of Cellos
David- Everything Cello
Cindy- Everything Cello
LaRena-Chillin with the cellos
Kerri- Chillin with Cellos or A Celebration of Cellos
Leslie- If Cellos could Dance or A Celebration of Cellos
Alicia- Everything Cello
Robert- If Cellos Could Dance or A Cello Runs through it
Leah- A Cello Dream
There were more names from friends but my 4 year old deleted them somehow while playing games on my computer and to them I apologize for not posting there preferences and new names. Everyone's contribution was meaningful for me. Thank you.
I thought that all the names that came in were wonderful. But it was interesting that when Leah's name came in, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I realized that I wanted to name the concert about the Cello and how wonderful of an instrument it is. I also wanted people to know that this was not going to be just an ordinary classical cello concert. But now, with what Leah wrote, I realized that somehow, I needed it to be about my dream also. I put those three things in every possible order to come up with something and ended up with:
"A CELEBRATION OF CELLOS- MY CELLO DREAM." ( A slight edit from Leah's but the meaning still the same) I figured somewhere in the advertising I could put "Not your ordinary cello concert". I posted on facebook the winner and delivered the prize. I was grateful to my friend Leah because it was her suggestion that actually turned the corner for me on the name. The name for me, was a perfect fit for what I am trying to do with all this. Thank you Friends.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
CREATING THE DREAM- When to have the concert?

When trying to decide on a date, I knew that the final date would depend on several factors. I knew that the where I held the concert and the available dates there would be the biggest.
I also knew that I was dealing with 3 school districts and which included 15 High Schools and two major universities. Dealing with the calendaring in all those with sports practices and games, music lessons, orchestra tours and concerts, school dances and activities and then the kids family life, a daunting task to know if I could actually choose the date I feel I want and then actually see who I will get by the end. I knew one prom could wipe me out of a bunch of cellos even if they had practiced with me for months. It is hard too, because I need to get on the calendar, but no one else really has theirs final either so I only can really plan with Orem High to get the date I want. This will be interesting to see who I start with and who I end with. I am optimistic though.
I also knew that I would have family traveling from out of state who wouldn't travel in snow so I had to figure that in. I also realized that I needed time to do this right, the way I envisioned it.
But mostly, in my quiet moments, I wanted to do this on my birthday, a private gift to myself. Not to be acknowledged by anyone or anything. Just kind of a personal and meaningful thing for me to acknowledge deep inside of me, my dreams and hopes.
Once I thought about my birthday being the date, I hurried and got online to look up the calendar for 2011 to see what day my birthday fell on next year. I couldn't believe it. I had goosebumps like everything was just falling into place. My birthday fell on a Saturday, the very day, I wanted the concert to be on. WOW!
I met with Mr. Keyes and gave him the date I wanted and an alternate. I think March 26 is risky because of Proms and they are a busy month for orchestras as I have found out by trying to get appointments with teachers. I just feel drawn to it. My gut tell me that it is going to be on that date! The school still has to approve it and there is alot that could happen to go wrong on that date, but inside, I feel a peace that it is meant to be on that date and that it will all work out!
The Orem High teachers meet the end of the month to calendar, so I will find out soon.
WE GOT THAT DATE!!!!!!!!!!! MARCH 26, 2011 it is!!!! Wahoooooooo
I also knew that I was dealing with 3 school districts and which included 15 High Schools and two major universities. Dealing with the calendaring in all those with sports practices and games, music lessons, orchestra tours and concerts, school dances and activities and then the kids family life, a daunting task to know if I could actually choose the date I feel I want and then actually see who I will get by the end. I knew one prom could wipe me out of a bunch of cellos even if they had practiced with me for months. It is hard too, because I need to get on the calendar, but no one else really has theirs final either so I only can really plan with Orem High to get the date I want. This will be interesting to see who I start with and who I end with. I am optimistic though.
I also knew that I would have family traveling from out of state who wouldn't travel in snow so I had to figure that in. I also realized that I needed time to do this right, the way I envisioned it.
But mostly, in my quiet moments, I wanted to do this on my birthday, a private gift to myself. Not to be acknowledged by anyone or anything. Just kind of a personal and meaningful thing for me to acknowledge deep inside of me, my dreams and hopes.
Once I thought about my birthday being the date, I hurried and got online to look up the calendar for 2011 to see what day my birthday fell on next year. I couldn't believe it. I had goosebumps like everything was just falling into place. My birthday fell on a Saturday, the very day, I wanted the concert to be on. WOW!
I met with Mr. Keyes and gave him the date I wanted and an alternate. I think March 26 is risky because of Proms and they are a busy month for orchestras as I have found out by trying to get appointments with teachers. I just feel drawn to it. My gut tell me that it is going to be on that date! The school still has to approve it and there is alot that could happen to go wrong on that date, but inside, I feel a peace that it is meant to be on that date and that it will all work out!
The Orem High teachers meet the end of the month to calendar, so I will find out soon.
WE GOT THAT DATE!!!!!!!!!!! MARCH 26, 2011 it is!!!! Wahoooooooo
Monday, April 26, 2010
I am dedicating this concert to my dad, Keith Ray Henrie. My dad loved music! It is from him that I gained my love for music. He was an amazing pianist who played by ear and he was also amazing on the guitar. We spent hours together playing and singing. That was "my thing" with my dad. Music!!! Thanks for that great gift of music in my life dad! No one knows the sacrifices you and mom made so I could have the cello experience I had. I know though. You truly gave me my wings and I hope you always felt like it was worth it.
Here are the words to a song my dad taught me, it was "our song".
"Your my friend when I'm lonely,
Your my shelter from troubled winds,
Your my anchor in life's ocean,
But most of all, your my best friend!
Here are the words to a song my dad taught me, it was "our song".
"Your my friend when I'm lonely,
Your my shelter from troubled winds,
Your my anchor in life's ocean,
But most of all, your my best friend!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
First Things First- Meeting with Sterling Keyes, Department Head Orem High School

To get this all going, I started by setting up a meeting with Sterling Keyes, the music department head at Orem High School. He is the man who offered to sponsor the concert for me. I met with him on March 25, 2010 at 1:00 pm. I found him to be a very positive and optimistic person. His students are blessed to have him as a person of influence in their lives at this age. We stood at the piano and I told him my story and showed him my presentation. I asked him alot of questions and received some great answers. He showed me the current stage at Orem High and then described how big the new one will be. I was overjoyed when he told me that 100 cellos would fit. That is how many I wanted initially, but didn't think their would be a place that would hold that many. They new school will be open by the end of the school year but no one can go in until the fire marshal approves it. As soon as people can go in it, I can hardly wait to see what the stage for this concert will look like. I have been trying to envision it for weeks. I needed a big screen for some video clips and discovered that the new auditorium has everything we need. We talked dates and looked at Calendars. He shared some of the things the school still needs. They have a piano that needs restored, posture chairs for students and an a desire for an organ. I was trying to think of how I could help using my concert as a tool to make the school a better place because we were there. I'll keep thinking on that. I left feeling like it was a very profitable meeting and I smiled all the way to the car.
My meeting with schools

When I arrived at each school, I usually signed in at the office, some schools required name tags.

Then I would ask directions to the orchestra room. When it came close to time, I would make the teacher aware that I was there. The teacher would introduce me to the cellists and they would then follow me or me them to a practice room, hall way or another music room and I would then give them my presentation. I wanted so badly when I started this to have the teachers hear the presentation too, but learned that they couldn't leave that many students for that long so, only one teacher was able hear about this and it was because we did it at lunch. I need to figure out a way to let them know more.
When I met with the cellists, I first told them my name and that I was also a cellist. I then told them that I was going to do a concert next year where the entire stage was filled with just cellos. I could tell immediately in each group that the cello connection was awesome and that the stage filled with all cellos was intriguing. I got comments like, "it's about time someone made the cello center stage instead of just background."
Then I told them about me and my dream. I told them that when I was in 4th grade a group of students like them came to my elementary school and showed my class their instruments. I told that that as soon as I saw the cello, I was smitten. I always got a few comments from the group from those who had, had similar experiences. I also found some had started with other instruments and then switched over. Some I could tell were playing because their parents made them play something, others just did it nonchalantly. It was interesting to see who and why. I loved it.
Then I told them the story of me in Junior High School and challenging the boys in turn until I passed all of them. I showed them my year book where I was now first chair and sitting next to the boy that was the hardest to beat. The kids seemed to get the biggest kick out of that. It was funny to watch their reaction to that at some schools. Then I told them about making second chair in the all state orchestra and being able to help rehearse this amazing cello section. I told them that it was at that moment that I decided that it would be so awesome to do a concert where the entire stage was filled with just cellos. I told them that I gradated High School, went to college, got married, had a family and that all these years later, I felt inspired to do that concert. I told them that I had spend thousands of hours and dollars, getting this ready and now I was looking for cello players who wanted to share in this experience with me.
Then I showed them some videos that we are modeling the concert after. A few months ago, I told my husband that I really felt like we needed to get a lap top. I needed to be able to show the kids what I was seeing, it is what got me excited, and I felt like I needed to be able to show it to them. I wanted them to know that is was not your ordinary classical concert. We were going to have some classical, but the concert was to show the diversity of the cello and the fun creative side also.
Many of the ensembles we are doing are modeled after people who were like them, high school students who loved playing the cello, they found their own nitch and went professional. I wanted the kids to know that the concert was going to be fun, like a bunch a cellist getting together to have a blast playing. My husband bought me the laptop and it did help a lot. It served its purpose very well and I was grateful for the blessing of it.
I had the cellist that wanted to be in it fill out an information sheet with the name, address, phone number and email and if they wanted to be in the orchestra only or in an ensemble. I gave most of them audition papers with music and audition dates. I answered questions, most from students were is there any cost and how much time is it going to take.
Every school I left, the kids were excited. It was such a neat feeling to be accepted by a younger group of cellists and I was so thrilled that most caught my vision for this concert.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Meeting with Payson High School Cellists

I met with Payson High School cellists. Their teacher Mr. Collins was so helpful and positive in letting me come. I enjoyed that group very much. They were enthusiastic and I thought a very creative group of students. I may get an original work from that group. In the fall, I am offering any one who wants to, to come up with their own original work. I will audition the groups and if I feel like they fit in to what I am trying to accomplish, I will put them in the concert. I want to support that creative element and give those who try it a venue to showcase their talent and creativity. That is a part of what this is all about. Payson High cellist were awesome. I also, met the mother of one of the cellists at auditions. She is also a cellists. I think I want to include her in this somehow. She has a love for the cello as I do and I see it in her. That is what I am looking for.
While Salest and I were waiting for the band class to end and the orchestra class to begin, the drum section was rocking it out. Salest was peeking into the door to see what was going on in there. She loved it. One of the drummers let Salest play his drum set. He made her day. Thank you drummer! You did a good thing that day.

Met with Maple Mountain High School Cellists

Met Sherrie Dunford the orchestra director. What a nice lady. She plays the harp. Very impressive person. The School is impressive too. This is the first year it is opened. The first class of cellists met me in the choir room next door. There were 14 cellists in that class. That is the biggest class to date. They next class had 4 cellists. They were so much fun, asked alot of really great questions. The majority of them want to be in it. I am way excited to have the kids in this group participate that is for sure. Now that was fun. Salest comes with me to meet with students at the High Schools when Evan is at work. I want to include her in the experience and give her some new experiences. The kids at Maple Mountain were great with her. This is Salest as we left that school.

Monday, April 19, 2010
Meeting with Timpview High School Cellists

Mr. Allred so graciously accommodated me meeting with his students. He told me I could meet with his cellists at Timpview on Friday at 10:20. I arrive early and as I was waiting in the hall outside the orchestra room, a huge group of cellists walked by and headed into the orchestra room. I followed them into the room. Mr. Allred wanted me to let him know when I arrived so I did. When he had completed class, he told his cellos to pack up their cellos and go to the small orchestra room and for me to follow them. I was so surprised how many cellists this school had. It was the biggest by far and all from one class. We didn't have as much time as I have had at others schools, but we took advantage of what we had. The presentation was quick and I collected information and ended up calling most of them on the phone since I post results tomorrow. These kids are busy with lots of things. I did have a good amount interested in the concert and look forward to working with them.
Meeting with Provo High School Cellists
I met with 2 groups of cellists from Provo High School. Mr. Allred is over Provo High and Timpview High. I was grateful he gave me the opportunity to meet with his students. I found them all delightful. Several were very excited to be in the concert. One boy said that he would even shave his head if I would let him be in the concert. I thought that was adorable, but let him know that it was much easier to be in it than that. lol. Several cellists from there have showed interest and I look forward to working with them.
Meeting with Timpanogus High School cellists

Cheryl Burton is a cellist and the orchestra director at Timpanogus High School. They have been very busy and it has been hard to meet with them but we arranged a time during lunch. I met with 3 of their cellists and Cheryl. When I arrived, one of their cellists was in the practice room practicing. It was sooooo beautiful and the skill level of their cellists is exceptional. They all want to be in the concert including Cheryl. They have other cellists they took information to give them and I look forward to having them participate. A great addition that is for sure.
Meeting With Pleasant Grove High School Cellists

On March 30, 2010, I met at 8:50 am at the tail end of first period orchestra class with their cellists. I was a little bit early and so I sat and listened outside the door. The orchestra was playing a piece of music I hadn't heard and it was awesome. The choir was singing next door and I felt immersed in music. A girl went inside the door to the orchestra room so I followed so that Mr. Beck would know that I was here. He finished the piece of music and dismissed his cellists to follow me. He had me take the students into the hall and we found a place and I told my story and gave them my presentation. They all seemed excited, a few asked if they could still be in it if they were graduating. I asked them if they would still be in the area, they both said they were going to BYU. BYU students are invited also, so I said of course. One cellist wanted to ask his parents and I felt like it went really well. The next period started at 9:10 I believe and the next group of cellists came into the hall and I gave the same presentation. Mr. Beck joined them near the end and was able to see what I am doing. He gave me positive feedback, I was very pleased, the students that wanted to signed up. Two didn't but that was okay. This is for those that want to. The teacher did quietly ask me if the kids would have any expense. I told him no. I found the cellists at Pleasant Grove High School fun and smart and I look forward to getting to know them better. We are in for a treat having them in our concert.
Meeting With Orem High School Cellists

On March 26, 2010, Mr. Summers, the Orem High Orchestra teacher invited me to meet with his cellist at the beginning of class. When I arrived, there was a substitute but she was gracious to let me meet with them.
We went into a practice room and I gave the students my cello story and presentation. All of the cellists filled out my information sheet saying they wanted to participate. I found the students at Orem High very delightful. I can hardly wait to work with them.
Meeting with Mountain View High School and Lake Ridge Cellists
On Friday, April 2, 2010 at 7:50 am I met with the 3 cellists from Mountain View High school. I was so surprised for a school that size that they only had 3 cellists and one is actually a bass player and one a viola player but they both love the cello and are learning it. I found the boys all delightful and energetic and lots of fun. They will be a great addition to the orchestra.
Megan Graves is their orchestra teacher and I love her enthusiasm for what I am doing. She also arranged for me to meet with her 3 advanced cellists at Lakeridge Jr. High since they will be High School age next year. I met with them the same day at 10:40. Two girls and a boy. I found them all to be so awesome and can hardly wait to get to know them as we share in this dream together.
Thanks Megan for making it possible for me to come and thanks cellist for your enthusiasm, it was so awesome to see.
Megan Graves is their orchestra teacher and I love her enthusiasm for what I am doing. She also arranged for me to meet with her 3 advanced cellists at Lakeridge Jr. High since they will be High School age next year. I met with them the same day at 10:40. Two girls and a boy. I found them all to be so awesome and can hardly wait to get to know them as we share in this dream together.
Thanks Megan for making it possible for me to come and thanks cellist for your enthusiasm, it was so awesome to see.
Meeting with Spanish Fork High School Cellists

Bryant Smith was the orchestra director. Very positive and helpful. It was so appreciated.I met on two different days, 2 classes of cellists. The cellist were awesome to meet. Some great talent there in the cello department that's for sure. I hope that many of them will audition. I enjoyed that group very much.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Comments from teachers and cellists about the concert.
Comments from cellists
"And let me just say how excited I am for this! "
"I'm very excited to be a part of this concert."
"Thanks so much for this great opportunity"
"I am hoping to be at the auditions on Thursday or Friday for the all cello concert. Thank you for inviting me."
"I definitely want to be in the concert
"Thank you so much for letting me be a part of this!
"Thank you, thank you, thank you! I think this is a wonderful thing you're doing, and I'm excited to be part of it!"
"This sounds extremely exciting and intriguing to me! I would love to participate in both the orchestra and ensemble. This kind of thing is really fun. I've done studio/miscellaneous work with bands like Pipedream, Larry Bagby, and The Used. In fact I was privileged to play at the 2002 Olympics with Pipedream, and Carnegie Hall with UVU.
Comments from orchestra teachers-
Hi Janice, Thank you. You are most gracious. Please feel free to come and work with my students anytime. I am grateful for folks in the community such as yourself reaching out to augment the programs in our schools. It is a wonderful thing to have capable, talented people take an interest in my orchestra students. Again, thank you.
"Thanks Janice, I hope our cellists are excited about being involved. All the best to you."
"Sounds like a good idea."
Hi Janice! I can't think of anything closer to heaven than having an all cello concert except maybe having more cellos!"
"We'd like to help you with this dream."
"I would LOVE to have my cellists participate with you. I have about 20 in the two orchestras right now, and a few more coming in next fall. Yes, let me know what I can do."
"What a great idea. "
"And let me just say how excited I am for this! "
"I'm very excited to be a part of this concert."
"Thanks so much for this great opportunity"
"I am hoping to be at the auditions on Thursday or Friday for the all cello concert. Thank you for inviting me."
"I definitely want to be in the concert
"Thank you so much for letting me be a part of this!
"Thank you, thank you, thank you! I think this is a wonderful thing you're doing, and I'm excited to be part of it!"
"This sounds extremely exciting and intriguing to me! I would love to participate in both the orchestra and ensemble. This kind of thing is really fun. I've done studio/miscellaneous work with bands like Pipedream, Larry Bagby, and The Used. In fact I was privileged to play at the 2002 Olympics with Pipedream, and Carnegie Hall with UVU.
Comments from orchestra teachers-
Hi Janice, Thank you. You are most gracious. Please feel free to come and work with my students anytime. I am grateful for folks in the community such as yourself reaching out to augment the programs in our schools. It is a wonderful thing to have capable, talented people take an interest in my orchestra students. Again, thank you.
"Thanks Janice, I hope our cellists are excited about being involved. All the best to you."
"Sounds like a good idea."
Hi Janice! I can't think of anything closer to heaven than having an all cello concert except maybe having more cellos!"
"I would LOVE to have my cellists participate with you. I have about 20 in the two orchestras right now, and a few more coming in next fall. Yes, let me know what I can do."
"What a great idea. "
Cello Auditions

Cello auditions were held in Orem at the Orem City Center building in one of the rooms that the City manager has been so gracious to let me use for this since Orem High is in transition right now moving into the new school.

The cellists came in and gave me their name and school. While they unpacked their cellos and tuned, I pulled out their information sheet that I got from my visit to their school.

I had them play the audition sheet. They had the choice of playing bass clef which is cello cleff and also tenor and treble clef music. The cello pieces we are playing have them all and I was worried I might not get enough cellist to do the harder pieces, but I found the opposite to be true. I was impressed with how many do play all three. WOW! I think I left auditions feeling like I was going to have better cellists that I ever imagined. They were all amazing.

It was the neatest experience. After they played for me, I had them look at all the different ensembles available and they were able to choose their top 3 in order of preference. I gave them final instructions about when the results would be posted online which is May 1st and how upcoming rehearsals will work. I met some amazing parents and answered some their questions. I took their picture for their file and off they went. My favorite part was when I told the ones who did have a place in it that they did. It was wonderful seeing other cellos excited about my dream and that they want to be a part of it. I hope it will be an amazing experience in their life, I have planned it to be that way, I hope it exceeds their expectations. I feel blessed to have each one of them in it.
Choosing ensemble groups

After auditions were done, I needed to create the ensemble groups from those that made it. First I took the papers that listed all the ensembles that the kids put their first, second and third choice on. I tried to give everyone their first choice is possible if I felt like they fit with that group. For some reason, I just felt like I wanted them to have their first choice. The reason being that, if they got their first choice, that is what they were the most excited about. I wanted them to be in the one they were excited about. There is a reason for that. I want this to be an experience they will never forget. I want to give cellists who want it, an opportunity to experience something with their cello that they were able to be part of the creative process with. I want them to want it. The kids who want it, it will show in the performance. I want them to feel proud to be a part of that group.
I also took pictures of the kids with my phone and had copies made for their info file and then one for a vision board I put up at my house. I put the kids pics on the board under the ensemble. I just wanted it to be the perfect fit for them. I want the groups to click. At the auditions, they didn't know it, but I asked questions, questions for information, but also questions to get a feel for their personalities so I could match them with their groups better. My hope was that with the concert being so far away still, I didn't want the groups to start and then have kids quit along the way. I knew in time I might lose a few due to unforseen events in their lives that tied with school that they do not know the dates of, I expect that unfortunately. But I didn't want to lose the groups due to not clicking with each other. I have planned this so that they create this together as a group. I picked the music, they as a group will pick their own name they will be known by, their costuming, their choreography, their rehearsal schedule together. I want the groups to gell. I want those that attend the concert to feel their group dynamic and see that they enjoyed playing together and that they make a great team together. Alot to expect? Perhaps, but why not try for it. I believe it can happen. I have experienced that myself.
I am so pleased with the results from the auditions. It just feels like it is going to be everything I had hoped. It feels right!

Saturday, April 17, 2010
Arranging music for ensembles

Now that I knew how many cellists I had, I needed to make sure I had the right amount of parts for each group. I also needed to re- arrange some of the music to fit the level of playing skill for the cellists in each group. Some can read treble, some cannot.
My husband and I have a program for our computer and keyboard for arranging music. We had 4 songs that we wanted to do from You Tube. I listened online to LOTS of music to find the sheet music arrangement that was closest to the music I listened to on You Tube. Then we would listen to the piece of music on you tube, I would play the piece as I heard it on my cello and Evan would put the notes into the computer. We did all we could and then, hired a wonderful and talented neighbor to help with the parts that were out of our league.

His name is Larry Blackburn and he got his masters in music from BYU. He is the most amazing organist and also play it for the Presbyterian Church. He also plays the organ and piano during our church service. He teaches at American Leadership Academy in Spanish Fork, Utah. If you want more info on Larry you can check out his website at
This was a lot harder than I thought it would be and there were days when we were so tired of this that we wanted to just bag it. I wish it was in my nature to quit when reason makes more sense to do it, but, that is not me. So we endured to the end and I KNOW it will be worth it. I want to thank Larry Blackburn for sharing his gifts with music with us. He was amazing.

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