Cello auditions were held in Orem at the Orem City Center building in one of the rooms that the City manager has been so gracious to let me use for this since Orem High is in transition right now moving into the new school.

The cellists came in and gave me their name and school. While they unpacked their cellos and tuned, I pulled out their information sheet that I got from my visit to their school.

I had them play the audition sheet. They had the choice of playing bass clef which is cello cleff and also tenor and treble clef music. The cello pieces we are playing have them all and I was worried I might not get enough cellist to do the harder pieces, but I found the opposite to be true. I was impressed with how many do play all three. WOW! I think I left auditions feeling like I was going to have better cellists that I ever imagined. They were all amazing.

It was the neatest experience. After they played for me, I had them look at all the different ensembles available and they were able to choose their top 3 in order of preference. I gave them final instructions about when the results would be posted online which is May 1st and how upcoming rehearsals will work. I met some amazing parents and answered some their questions. I took their picture for their file and off they went. My favorite part was when I told the ones who did have a place in it that they did. It was wonderful seeing other cellos excited about my dream and that they want to be a part of it. I hope it will be an amazing experience in their life, I have planned it to be that way, I hope it exceeds their expectations. I feel blessed to have each one of them in it.
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