After auditions were done, I needed to create the ensemble groups from those that made it. First I took the papers that listed all the ensembles that the kids put their first, second and third choice on. I tried to give everyone their first choice is possible if I felt like they fit with that group. For some reason, I just felt like I wanted them to have their first choice. The reason being that, if they got their first choice, that is what they were the most excited about. I wanted them to be in the one they were excited about. There is a reason for that. I want this to be an experience they will never forget. I want to give cellists who want it, an opportunity to experience something with their cello that they were able to be part of the creative process with. I want them to want it. The kids who want it, it will show in the performance. I want them to feel proud to be a part of that group.
I also took pictures of the kids with my phone and had copies made for their info file and then one for a vision board I put up at my house. I put the kids pics on the board under the ensemble. I just wanted it to be the perfect fit for them. I want the groups to click. At the auditions, they didn't know it, but I asked questions, questions for information, but also questions to get a feel for their personalities so I could match them with their groups better. My hope was that with the concert being so far away still, I didn't want the groups to start and then have kids quit along the way. I knew in time I might lose a few due to unforseen events in their lives that tied with school that they do not know the dates of, I expect that unfortunately. But I didn't want to lose the groups due to not clicking with each other. I have planned this so that they create this together as a group. I picked the music, they as a group will pick their own name they will be known by, their costuming, their choreography, their rehearsal schedule together. I want the groups to gell. I want those that attend the concert to feel their group dynamic and see that they enjoyed playing together and that they make a great team together. Alot to expect? Perhaps, but why not try for it. I believe it can happen. I have experienced that myself.
I am so pleased with the results from the auditions. It just feels like it is going to be everything I had hoped. It feels right!

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