I met with Payson High School cellists. Their teacher Mr. Collins was so helpful and positive in letting me come. I enjoyed that group very much. They were enthusiastic and I thought a very creative group of students. I may get an original work from that group. In the fall, I am offering any one who wants to, to come up with their own original work. I will audition the groups and if I feel like they fit in to what I am trying to accomplish, I will put them in the concert. I want to support that creative element and give those who try it a venue to showcase their talent and creativity. That is a part of what this is all about. Payson High cellist were awesome. I also, met the mother of one of the cellists at auditions. She is also a cellists. I think I want to include her in this somehow. She has a love for the cello as I do and I see it in her. That is what I am looking for.
While Salest and I were waiting for the band class to end and the orchestra class to begin, the drum section was rocking it out. Salest was peeking into the door to see what was going on in there. She loved it. One of the drummers let Salest play his drum set. He made her day. Thank you drummer! You did a good thing that day.

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