Once I decided that I definitely had to do this, I found myself in a situation where details were coming to my mind so fast that I had to write them down. I worked on most of the outline for this concert between the hours of 10:00 pm and 2:00 am. My little one asleep- Quiet time!
I first sat down and tried to decide what I wanted the concert to be like. I googled cello music and found myself on You Tube listening to various cello masters and not so masters. I book marked the music that had great appeal to me and skipped the others. After doing this for weeks, I started noticing a pattern of music I liked. I really liked! After more research, I realized several other things.
I realized that I didn't just want an all cello orchestra to perform the entire night. I realized that there is no way I could have that many cellos meet often enough to learn that much music for one thing, and I felt like I wanted to showcase more of the diversity of the cello, kind of a celebration of it. I saw online people who had a passion for their cello and made it their own and went professional. I also knew I didn't want this to be an ordinary concert. I decided then to the make concert 2 parts. The first an all cello orchestra. The second, a variety of ensembles. I knew this was right the minute I thought it.
Now to find music for the all cello orchestra. I researched on line and found some great music. Some I ordered from the National Cello Institute since they have music for cello ensembles which can be played by an all cello orchestra. I found 3 others and decided that these 4 would be the pieces of music we would play. I was attracted to them first by their appeal to me in listening to. I was also drawn to one because the entire song was almost pizzicato which intrigued me and really show cased the cello with a different angle. The last song we will play has cello tapping for the percussion and a fun rhythm. I am not going to share the titles yet, because I don't want them played by others yet if possible. I ordered the music and have it all in folders ready to go. Wahoo

The ensembles have been more challenging. The cellists gone professional that I loved to listen to so much, I learned also keep their original work to themselves. A lot of the songs that I want performed I will have to write from watching them play it and then make it my own. I did find on line the basic music and now have spent hours writing up music the way I want it. Since I am not very good at this and it is becoming more time consuming than I have the patience and time to do, I am going to have to hire someone to do it for me. It will be worth it. I WANT THAT MUSIC so bad! All the playing of my cello in trying to write this music, made we want to play again so bad. I decided on a few pieces that I will perform also. I have been practicing and it has been a lot of work because unlike the cellist that will be performing with me, I haven't played in years. I have been busy working full time and being a mom. I must say though, that the feelings I have when I play are so strong once again. I miss playing the cello so much. It calms my spirit, bring joy to my heart. I'm going to start playing again!!!!
Many nights I would wake up at 4:00 in the morning and couldn't go back to sleep so I would TRY and focus on how to present the music. I had floods of ideas come with each piece of music. I knew exactly what I want to have happen. I know their will be glitches when we add the stage, sound technicians and light technicians, but I think we will still be able to stay true to the vision I have. Bring me some cellos and let's do this!!! I am soooooo excited!
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